
Unveiling April Special Offers at Our Rejuvenation Center

April 18th, 2024 by

Are you looking for an innovative skincare treatment offering a celebrity-like -glow? Want a full-body laser hair removal treatment at an affordable price? Or weight loss sessions supervised by professionals? Look no further than Safi Miran Laser & Rejuvenation Center in Las Vegas. Whether skin rejuvenation or body care, we are your one-stop solution. Our qualified and talented aestheticians can offer the most sophisticated treatments for any skin ailment. From a wide variety of facials, and skin tightening treatments to body rejuvenation, body contouring, sculpting, and vaginal rejuvenation, we offer numerous skincare treatments beyond your expectation. And the best part is no need for surgery to recapture your youth and beauty.  

In addition, we are now offering “April Special Offers” on some of our advanced skincare treatments. Let us reveal the offers with details!

April’s Special Offers Unveiled at Our Rejuvenation Center!

Custom Facial

Do you wish to rejuvenate your skin with one session? Opt for our Pure Custom facial at a special price of $120. Our regular price for a pure custom facial session is $220. Enjoy this thrilling offer only in April!

Full Body Laser Hair Removal 

If you think of undergoing a full-body laser hair removal session, visit Safi Miran Laser & Rejuvenation Center. Our April month offer is $189 per session. Grab this opportunity before its termination.


For RF Microneedling 1 session, you just need to pay $139 this month. Pay $500 to grab the package of 4 RF microneddling sessions.

CO2 Laser Skin Resurfacing 

For a full-face CO2 laser skin resurfacing session, you pay only $999 instead of $2000. Hence, don’t miss this opportunity.

Body Contouring, Cellulite Reduction, And Weight Loss 

Body contouring, cellulite reduction, and weight loss- these five sessions are now at a special price of $650 (Regular price is $965 ). In addition, you can avail one oxygen plus therapy facial Free as a bonus! Book an appointment right now!

Hollywood Blackout Peel

Do you wish to achieve softer, firmer, and smoother skin at a cheap price? Opt for our Hollywood Blackout Peel laser skin rejuvenation. It is a non-invasive and pain-free procedure. No downtime. Our April exceptional offer price is $120(regular price is $200.) Get more details on our Instagram!

ViPeel Treatment 

Yes! We are offering exciting deals on ViPeel treatment as well. In April, you can avail special price of $270 instead of the regular price of $390. The package of 4 is available at $999.

Hence, visit our Safi Miran Laser & Rejuvenation Center in Las Vegas and book your appointment for your preferred skincare treatment ASAP.

The Differences Between a Generic and a Pure Custom Facial

August 31st, 2023 by

Have you ever wondered why some individuals achieve radiant and flawless skin while others struggle with persistent concerns? The answer often lies in the approach taken towards skincare. A generic facial treatment might provide temporary benefits, but a meticulously tailored pure custom facial takes skincare to an entirely different level. In this discussion, we’ll explore the profound differences in results between these two approaches and why a pure custom facial in Las Vegas can lead to transformative skin outcomes.

How Do Generic and Pure Custom Facials Differ?

Generic Facial Treatment:

Generic facial treatments are designed with a one-size-fits-all approach. While they may offer relaxation and short-term improvements in skin texture, they tend to fall short when addressing specific skin concerns. These treatments often use standardized products and procedures, failing to account for the unique needs of each individual’s skin. As a result, the results from generic facials can be inconsistent and might not fully target the underlying issues that individuals wish to address.

Meticulously Tailored Pure Custom Facial:

On the other hand, a meticulously tailored pure custom facial is a bespoke experience that begins with a thorough assessment of the individual’s skin type, concerns, and goals. This personalized approach considers skin type, tone, texture, sensitivity, and specific skin issues like acne, aging, pigmentation, or hydration. We use carefully selected products and techniques to suit the individual’s unique needs. We ensure that every step of the facial gets optimized for their skin’s requirements. So, visit our Las Vegas Clinic!

The Key Differences in Results:

Targeted Solutions: A pure custom facial targets specific concerns with precision. While a generic facial might offer temporary improvements, a personalized facial is designed to address the root causes of issues, leading to more effective and lasting results.

Individualized Ingredients: Custom facials use products containing ingredients tailored to an individual’s skin type and issues. It means that active ingredients known to be effective for their concerns get included, enhancing the likelihood of noticeable improvements.

Optimized Techniques: Techniques used in a pure custom facial are chosen based on the individual’s skin type and concerns. It ensures that the facial massage, extractions, and other steps are performed in a way that maximizes benefits without causing harm.

Long-Term Benefits: Generic facials might provide temporary hydration or brightness, but a pure custom facial aims for long-term skin health. The results can get sustained over time By addressing specific concerns and using ingredients that promote collagen production, cell turnover, and hydration. Check out our Instagram handle to see before and after images!

Personalized Maintenance: A pure custom facial often comes with recommendations for at-home skincare tailored to the individual’s needs. This personalized regimen helps maintain and even enhance the results achieved during the facial.

The Final Thought!

We feel this blog was quite informative! So, visit Safi Miran Laser & Rejuvenation Center in Las Vegas for a pure custom facial session. Our team carefully examines your face to ensure you get the personalized skincare you deserve. Book an appointment as soon as possible!