
Unveiling April Special Offers at Our Rejuvenation Center

April 18th, 2024 by

Are you looking for an innovative skincare treatment offering a celebrity-like -glow? Want a full-body laser hair removal treatment at an affordable price? Or weight loss sessions supervised by professionals? Look no further than Safi Miran Laser & Rejuvenation Center in Las Vegas. Whether skin rejuvenation or body care, we are your one-stop solution. Our qualified and talented aestheticians can offer the most sophisticated treatments for any skin ailment. From a wide variety of facials, and skin tightening treatments to body rejuvenation, body contouring, sculpting, and vaginal rejuvenation, we offer numerous skincare treatments beyond your expectation. And the best part is no need for surgery to recapture your youth and beauty.  

In addition, we are now offering “April Special Offers” on some of our advanced skincare treatments. Let us reveal the offers with details!

April’s Special Offers Unveiled at Our Rejuvenation Center!

Custom Facial

Do you wish to rejuvenate your skin with one session? Opt for our Pure Custom facial at a special price of $120. Our regular price for a pure custom facial session is $220. Enjoy this thrilling offer only in April!

Full Body Laser Hair Removal 

If you think of undergoing a full-body laser hair removal session, visit Safi Miran Laser & Rejuvenation Center. Our April month offer is $189 per session. Grab this opportunity before its termination.


For RF Microneedling 1 session, you just need to pay $139 this month. Pay $500 to grab the package of 4 RF microneddling sessions.

CO2 Laser Skin Resurfacing 

For a full-face CO2 laser skin resurfacing session, you pay only $999 instead of $2000. Hence, don’t miss this opportunity.

Body Contouring, Cellulite Reduction, And Weight Loss 

Body contouring, cellulite reduction, and weight loss- these five sessions are now at a special price of $650 (Regular price is $965 ). In addition, you can avail one oxygen plus therapy facial Free as a bonus! Book an appointment right now!

Hollywood Blackout Peel

Do you wish to achieve softer, firmer, and smoother skin at a cheap price? Opt for our Hollywood Blackout Peel laser skin rejuvenation. It is a non-invasive and pain-free procedure. No downtime. Our April exceptional offer price is $120(regular price is $200.) Get more details on our Instagram!

ViPeel Treatment 

Yes! We are offering exciting deals on ViPeel treatment as well. In April, you can avail special price of $270 instead of the regular price of $390. The package of 4 is available at $999.

Hence, visit our Safi Miran Laser & Rejuvenation Center in Las Vegas and book your appointment for your preferred skincare treatment ASAP.

Unlocking the Secret to Perfect Skin: Choosing the Ideal Facial Treatment

February 22nd, 2024 by

Do you ever feel overwhelmed by the plethora of facial treatments available, unsure which one is best suited for your skin type? Don’t worry; you’re not alone. With so many options out there, finding the perfect facial treatment can seem like a daunting task. But fear not! With a little guidance, you can navigate the world of skincare with confidence and discover the treatment ideally suited to meet your unique skin needs and skin type.

Understanding Your Skin Type

Before diving into the realm of facial treatments, it’s essential to understand your skin type. Is your skin oily, dry, combination, or sensitive? Each skin type has its own set of characteristics and requires specific care. Take a moment to assess your skin and identify its primary concerns, whether it’s acne, dryness, fine lines, or sensitivity.

Consultation with a Skincare Professional

When unsure about the best treatment for your skin type, consult a licensed esthetician or dermatologist. They can assess your skin’s condition and recommend personalized facial treatments, based on their extensive expertise to analyze a client’s skin type and tailor a treatment plan to address their concerns effectively. Visit our Instagram for more updates.

Choosing the Right Facial Treatment

Once you’ve identified your skin type and consulted with a skincare professional, it’s time to explore your options. Here’s a breakdown of common facial treatments and their suitability for different skin types:

  1. Pure Custom Facials: Experience Pure Custom Facials tailored to your unique skin concerns and preferences. From hydration to deep cleansing, exfoliation, sensitive skin, or anti-aging, achieve optimal results for your complexion.
  2. Sothys Seasonal Facials: Experience the rejuvenating power of Sothys Seasonal Facials, designed to revitalize your skin with the changing seasons.
  3. DMK Aesthetic Lift: Elevate your skincare routine with the transformative DMK Aesthetic Lift. This advanced treatment utilizes innovative techniques to firm, tone, and lift the skin, promoting a more youthful and rejuvenated appearance.
  4. Acne Treatment: Combat stubborn acne and blemishes with targeted Acne Treatment. The skincare experts specialize in addressing acne-related concerns, utilizing effective techniques and products to cleanse, purify, and heal the skin.

Final Thoughts

Finding the ideal facial treatment for your skin type is a journey of self-discovery. If you are on the hunt for a reputable and reliable beauty clinic where you can get your skin assessed by experienced and trained aestheticians who can determine the ideal facial treatment for your skin type, look no further than Safi Miran Las Vegas Laser & Rejuvenation Center. Our experienced aestheticians are equipped with the knowledge to identify the facial treatment that best complements your skin. Contact us to learn more about our facial treatments.

Unveiling the Magic of VI Peel: Your Path to Radiant Skin

February 8th, 2024 by

Are you longing for smoother, brighter, and more youthful-looking skin? Enter VI Peel, the revolutionary skincare treatment that transforms your complexion and unveils your inner radiance. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore everything you need to know about VI Peel, from its remarkable benefits to the science behind its success.

What is VI Peel?

This is a medical-grade chemical peel designed to exfoliate the skin, improve texture, and address various skin care concerns. Unlike traditional peels, VI Peel is formulated with a unique blend of powerful ingredients, including TCA (Trichloroacetic Acid), Retin-A, Salicylic Acid, Phenol, and Vitamin C. This potent combination penetrates deep into the skin’s layers, targeting imperfections and stimulating cellular renewal.


  1. Improved Skin Texture: It effectively removes dead skin cells and unclogs pores, leaving your skin smoother and more refined.
  2. Reduced Hyperpigmentation: Whether caused by sun damage, acne scars, or melasma, it helps minimize the appearance of dark spots and uneven pigmentation.
  3. Diminished Fine Lines and Wrinkles: By stimulating collagen production, it helps reduce the visibility of fine lines, wrinkles, and signs of aging, promoting a more youthful complexion.
  4. Acne Treatment: This liquid contains ingredients that target acne-causing bacteria, reduce inflammation, and regulate oil production, making it an effective treatment for acne-prone skin.
  5. Brighter, More Radiant Skin: With regular treatments, this peel reveals brighter, more radiant skin, restoring your natural glow and confidence.

The Process

During a VI Peel treatment, a qualified skincare professional cleanses your skin and applies the specially formulated peel solution. You may experience a mild tingling or warmth sensation as the peel is applied, which typically subsides after a few minutes. The peel solution is left on the skin for a specified period, after which it is neutralized and removed.

What to Expect After application

After your VI Peel treatment, expect temporary redness, tightness, and peeling as your skin exfoliates. Follow post-treatment instructions from your skincare specialist, such as using gentle cleansers, avoiding direct sunlight, and moisturizing regularly.

Is this treatment right for You?

This is suitable for individuals of all skin types and tones, including sensitive skin. Whether you’re looking to address acne, hyperpigmentation, aging concerns, or rejuvenate your complexion, its offers customizable solutions to meet your skincare needs. Visit our Instagram for more updates.

Consultation and Customization

Before undergoing VI Peel treatment, it’s crucial to schedule a consultation with a qualified skincare professional. During this consultation, your skincare specialist will assess your skin concerns, discuss your goals, and determine the most appropriate VI Peel formulation for your unique needs.

Final Words

VI Peel is a transformative skincare treatment that offers many benefits for those seeking radiant, youthful-looking skin. With its advanced formulation and customizable approach, it’s stands at the forefront of skincare innovation, helping individuals achieve their skincare goals and embrace their natural beauty. If you aspire to achieve enviably glowing and radiant skin and are on the hunt for a reputable and reliable beauty clinic offering top-notch Vi peel service in Las Vegas, look no further than Safi Miran Las Vegas Laser & Rejuvenation Center. Our experienced cosmetic surgeons are equipped with the knowledge to fulfill your desire for smoother, brighter, and more radiant skin. Contact us to learn more about our Sothys hydra 3ha intensive treatment.

The Benefits & Limitations of VI Peel for Diverse Skin Types

November 4th, 2023 by

In the realm of skincare, we’re all unique canvases, each with our own stories etched into our skin. While the quest for radiant, flawless skin knows no boundaries, the journey there can be vastly different for every individual. The VI Peel in Las Vegas, a remarkable chemical peel, has risen as a versatile tool in the realm of skin rejuvenation. However, its effectiveness can get influenced by the unique characteristics of diverse skin types. Join us on a journey to explore the fascinating interplay of benefits and limitations that VI Peels provide for various skin types and discover how this transformative treatment can work its magic.

VI Peel in A Las Vegas Center: Skin Type Benefits & Limits

Skin Diversity:

The diversity of human skin is a marvel. It spans a vast spectrum, influenced by genetics, environmental factors, and lifestyle choices. From deep ebony to porcelain, our skin varies in colour, texture, and needs. The VI Peel recognizes this diversity and offers solutions that cater to different skin types.

Fair and Sensitive Skin:

Fair and sensitive skin often demands gentle yet effective treatments. VI Peels are well-suited for these skin types, as they can get customized to provide mild to moderate exfoliation, promoting a more even tone and texture while minimizing the risk of irritation. See the before-after images on our Instagram handle and feel excited about this treatment!

Olive and Medium Skin:

People in Las Vegas with olive or medium skin tones often grapple with issues like uneven pigmentation and fine lines. VI Peels, especially VI Peel Precision Plus, are adept at addressing these concerns, offering noticeable improvements without causing excessive downtime.

Darker Skin Tones:

Skin with dark shades is prone to hyperpigmentation. VI Peels, with our team of professional aestheticians, can help combat issues such as melasma and post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation, provided they get administered by a skilled professional who understands the nuances of treating darker skin.

Limitations to Consider:

Risk of Post-Inflammatory Hyperpigmentation (PIH):

Darker skin types are more susceptible to PIH after chemical peels. VI Peels, while effective, carry a risk of PIH if not administered with care. Therefore, seeking an experienced practitioner is essential.

Not Suitable for Severe Skin Issues:

VI Peels are versatile but have their limits. They may not be the best solution for severe skin conditions like deep scars, certain types of acne, or advanced signs of aging, where more aggressive treatments may get required.

Downtime and Sensitivity:

The recovery process after a VI Peel can involve some downtime and sensitivity. Individuals with busy schedules may need to plan their treatment accordingly to accommodate this aspect.

To Wrap-up!

The beauty of the VI Peel lies in its adaptability, making it a compelling choice for various skin types. However, the key to success is in the expertise of the practitioner and the meticulous care taken to match the treatment to the individual. Hence, consider Safi Miran Las Vegas Laser & Rejuvenation Center for this cutting-edge treatment and unlock the door to a more vibrant, rejuvenated complexion, regardless of your skin type.

Is Hydrafacial Suitable For All Women’s Skin Types And Tones?

September 13th, 2023 by

In the world of skincare, where a multitude of treatments promise radiant, flawless skin, Hydrafacial has emerged as a shining star. This innovative facial treatment has garnered devoted followers but raised a significant question: Is Hydrafacial suitable for all skin types and tones? To answer this, we embark on a journey into the realms of dermatology and aesthetics, uncovering the versatility and adaptability of Hydrafacial in Las Vegas, exploring how it caters to a diverse spectrum of skin types and tones, and shedding light on why it’s become a sought-after solution for those seeking healthier, glowing skin.

Hydrafacial in A Las Vegas Centre: A Versatile Approach to Skincare

Hydrafacial is renowned for its versatility, making it an enticing option for individuals of varying skin types and tones. This popularity is rooted in its unique multi-step process that can get tailored to address specific skin concerns while maintaining a gentle approach suitable for a wide range of complexions.

1. Hydrafacial and Different Skin Types

a. Oily Skin: For those with oily skin in Las Vegas, Hydrafacial’s deep cleansing and exfoliation steps can help unclog pores and reduce excess sebum production. The treatment can also infuse hydrating serums without causing excessive oiliness.

b. Dry Skin: Hydrafacial’s hydration step is a game-changer for individuals with dry skin. It replenishes moisture, soothes dry patches, and restores a healthy, dewy complexion.

c. Sensitive Skin: Even the most sensitive skin types can benefit from Hydrafacial. The customizable nature of the treatment allows for adjustments in the intensity of exfoliation and extraction, ensuring a gentle yet effective experience.

2. Hydrafacial and Different Skin Tones

Hydrafacial’s broad suitability extends to diverse skin tones, including fair, medium, olive, and dark complexions. Here’s why we say this:

a. No Risk of Hyperpigmentation: Some skincare treatments can carry a risk of post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH), especially for individuals with darker skin tones. Hydrafacial’s non-invasive nature minimizes this risk, making it a safer option.

b. Even Skin Tone: Hydrafacial can be customized to target hyperpigmentation, sunspots, or uneven skin tone. Incorporating specialized serums and techniques helps individuals achieve a more balanced complexion regardless of skin tone.

Why Hydrafacial Stands Out:

Several key factors contribute to hydrafacial’s suitability for all skin types and tones:

Customization: Hydrafacial is not a one-size-fits-all treatment. Skincare professionals can tailor each session to address your concerns, from acne and fine lines to hydration and radiance.

Gentle Exfoliation: Unlike harsh chemical peels or abrasive treatments, Hydrafacial exfoliates the skin gently, reducing the risk of irritation or damage.

No Downtime: There’s no need for extended recovery periods with Hydrafacial. It’s a “lunchtime” procedure, allowing individuals to return to their daily activities immediately.

Consistent Results: Regardless of skin type or tone, Hydrafacial consistently delivers noticeable improvements in skin texture, tone, and overall health. See the results in pictures so you can rely on this treatment more often! Browse our Instagram for that!

Ongoing Maintenance: Hydrafacial’s benefits extend beyond a single session. Regular treatments can help maintain skin health over the long term, making it an attractive option for those seeking sustained results.

The Final Thought!

We feel this blog was quite informative! So, visit Safi Miran Laser & Rejuvenation Center in Las Vegas for an effective hydrafacial treatment. Our trained staff uses contemporary methods to elevate your skin luster, boost your mood, and protect your skin. Book an appointment as soon as possible!

Cracking the Acne Code: Treatment Options in Las Vegas

June 21st, 2023 by

Imagine a face where blackheads lurk, papules plot, and cysts lie in wait. But fear not, brave reader! In our intriguing blog, we’ll delve into the depths of acne’s diverse army, deciphering its hidden meanings. From non-inflammatory troopers to inflammatory warriors, we’ll guide you on a quest to understand different types of acne and reveal the powerful acne treatments in Las Vegas that can lead you to victory over blemishes. Ready to embark on this epic skincare journey? Let’s start!

Understanding Different Types of Acne

The Basics of Acne

Let’s start by understanding the basics. Acne appears when your skin becomes clogged with oil, dead skin cells, and bacteria. This process leads to inflammation and the formation of various acne lesions. While the underlying cause is similar, the appearance and severity of acne can vary greatly depending on the type.

Non-Inflammatory Acne

First, if you have non-inflammatory acne, it includes blackheads and whiteheads. Blackheads appear as small, dark bumps on the skin’s surface, while whiteheads are small, flesh-colored bumps that remain closed. Understanding these types is essential, as their treatment approach differs from that of inflammatory acne.

Inflammatory Acne

Next, we explore inflammatory acne, which contains papules, pimples, nodules, and cysts. Papules are red, inflamed bumps, while pustules contain pus and often have a white or yellow center. Nodules are deep, painful, and can be felt beneath the skin, while cysts are larger, pus-filled lesions that can lead to scarring. Recognizing the severity of inflammatory acne is crucial for selecting appropriate treatment methods. Visit our Instagram to see the pictures!

Combination Acne

In many cases, individuals may experience a combination of different acne types. It’s not uncommon to have a mix of non-inflammatory and inflammatory lesions on the skin. This hybrid form of acne requires a comprehensive treatment plan that addresses each type effectively.

Tailoring Treatment to Acne Types

Understanding the specific type of acne you’re dealing with is vital for choosing the right treatment strategy in Las Vegas. Mild non-inflammatory acne may respond well to over-the-counter topical treatments containing ingredients like salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide. On the other hand, inflammatory or severe acne may require prescription medications, such as oral antibiotics or isotretinoin.

Consulting a Dermatologist

When navigating the complexities of acne, seeking guidance from a professional like us is highly recommended. A professional evaluation can determine your acne type, severity, and potential underlying factors. Dermatologists can then prescribe personalized treatments, including topical creams, oral medications, or advanced procedures like chemical peels or laser therapy.

Wrapping Up!

We hope this blog on acne treatments In Las Vegas is highly informative! However, connect with Safi Miran Laser & Rejuvenation Center in Las Vegas to enjoy flawless service at a pocket-friendly price. So, without any delay, contact us right now!

Lifestyle Factors to Know Before Acne Treatment in Las Vegas

May 25th, 2023 by

Are you tired of battling stubborn acne? Seeking a holistic approach to achieving clear and radiant skin? Look no further! Understanding the impact of lifestyle factors on acne treatment in Las Vegas is paramount. From the foods we eat to the stress we experience and the quality of our sleep to our exercise habits – each aspect plays a vital role in the health of our skin. This blog delves into the fascinating connection between diet, stress, sleep, and exercise and their profound influence on acne. Unlock the secrets to a vibrant and blemish-free complexion as we explore the transformative power of lifestyle factors in your acne journey.

Factors to Know Before Acne Treatment in Las Vegas:

Diet on Acne:

Diet plays a role in acne development, although the relationship between specific foods and acne is complex and varies from person to person. However, certain dietary factors are associated with acne:

a) High Glycemic Index Carbohydrates: Consuming foods with a high glycemic index, such as sugary snacks, white bread, and processed cereals, can cause blood sugar spikes, leading to increased insulin levels and inflammation. This, in turn, may contribute to acne breakouts.

b) Dairy Products: Some studies suggest a potential link between dairy consumption and acne. Hormones in milk and other dairy products can influence oil production and inflammation in the skin, exacerbating acne symptoms in certain individuals.

To support acne treatment, follow a balanced diet with fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins. You can get more insightful information on Instagram.

Stress Management and Acne:

When stressed, the body produces more cortisol, a hormone that can increase oil production, inflammation, and the likelihood of acne breakouts. To manage stress effectively:

a) Practice Relaxation Techniques: Engage in activities like mindfulness meditation, deep breathing exercises, or yoga to promote relaxation and reduce stress levels.

b) Get Adequate Support: Seek emotional support from loved ones or consider joining support groups to help cope with stress and improve overall well-being.

c) Find Healthy Coping Mechanisms: Avoid using unhealthy coping mechanisms such as smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, or indulging in unhealthy foods, as they can worsen acne symptoms.

The Role of Sleep on Acne:

Adequate sleep is crucial for maintaining healthy skin and supporting acne treatment. Lack of sleep can disrupt hormonal balance, increase inflammation, and impair the skin’s ability to repair itself. Consider the following tips for promoting better sleep hygiene in Las Vegas:

a) Establish a Consistent Sleep Routine: Stick to a regular sleep schedule, aiming for the recommended 7-9 hours of sleep per night.

b) Create a Sleep-Friendly Environment: Make your sleep environment comfortable, dark, and free from distractions to promote better sleep quality.

c) Practice Relaxation Techniques: Engage in activities like reading, taking a warm bath, or listening to calming music to relax your mind and prepare for a restful sleep.

Exercise and Acne:

Exercise can have positive and negative effects on acne, depending on numerous factors such as hygiene, clothing, and skincare routine. Here are some considerations for managing acne during exercise:

a) Maintain Good Hygiene: Showering immediately after exercise and using a gentle cleanser can help remove sweat, dirt, and bacteria that may contribute to acne.

b) Choose Breathable Clothing: Wear loose-fitting, breathable fabrics to prevent excess sweat and irritation on the skin.

c) Avoid Heavy Makeup: If exercising with makeup, opt for non-comedogenic, oil-free products to reduce the risk of clogged pores.

Wrapping Up!

Hope this content regarding acne treatment in Las Vegas is highly informative! However, do not hesitate to contact Safi Miran Laser & Rejuvenation Center in Las Vegas, as we can offer the best services. So, contact us now!

Beauty Treatment: Exciting Things About VI-Peel In Las Vegas

March 9th, 2023 by

VI-peel is a type of chemical peel designed to improve the appearance of skin by removing damaged outer layers and promoting cell renewal. It has gained popularity in recent years due to its effectiveness in treating various skin conditions. Here are some exciting things about VI Peel:

The Things About VI-Peel In Las Vegas To Know

Versatility: You may ask, is VI-peel great for acne treatment? Yes! VI Peel can get used to treat numerous skin conditions, including acne, fine lines, wrinkles, sun damage, and hyperpigmentation. It can also get used on different skin types, including sensitive skin, without causing irritation or discomfort.

Minimal Downtime: Unlike other chemical peels, VI Peel does not require extensive downtime. Most patients can resume their normal activities immediately after the treatment. However, it is crucial to follow the aftercare instructions by the practitioner to ensure the best results.

Fast Results: One of the most exciting things about VI-peel in Las Vegas is that it delivers quick and noticeable results. Patients typically see an improvement in their skin’s appearance after just one treatment.

Safe And Gentle: VI Peel is a safe and gentle treatment approved by the FDA. It contains a blend of safe and effective ingredients, including TCA, salicylic acid, retinoic acid, phenol, and vitamin C, which work together to exfoliate the skin and promote cell renewal.

Customizable: VI Peel can be customized to meet the specific needs of each patient. Depending on the patient’s skin type and condition, the practitioner can adjust the concentration of the active ingredients to ensure the best results.

Suitable For All Skin Tones: VI Peel is ideal for all skin tones and can effectively treat a variety of skin concerns, including hyperpigmentation and dark spots. Unlike other peels, VI Peel does not cause hyperpigmentation or darkening of the skin, making it a safe and effective option for patients with darker skin tones.

Anti-aging Benefits: VI Peel not only improves the appearance of the skin but also has anti-aging benefits. The treatment stimulates collagen production, which helps to improve skin elasticity and reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

Affordable: VI Peel is an affordable treatment option compared to other cosmetic procedures. It is a cost-effective way to improve the appearance of the skin without breaking the bank.

In conclusion, VI Peel is an exciting treatment option for anyone looking to improve the appearance of their skin. While VI Peel can offer noticeable improvements in the skin’s appearance, it is necessary to note that it is not an instant fix. The results of a VI Peel treatment may take several days or even weeks to become fully apparent.

The skin may appear red, flaky, and dry during the first few days after a VI Peel treatment. It may take up to a week for the peeling process to finish and for the skin to reveal the full benefits of the treatment.

See the photos of the VI-peel application on Instagram!

Wrapping Up!

We hope you find this piece of content highly informative! However, get in touch with us and explore the more valuable blog. And choose Safi Miran Laser & Rejuvenation Center for VI-peel in Las Vegas. 

Our center offers cutting-edge facial treatments to help you achieve flawless and youthful skin any day.

The Basic Rules of Skincare and Acne Treatment

December 13th, 2022 by

If you are new to the world of skincare and acne treatment, welcome! Through this blog, we will help you navigate the many ingredients and products that must be included in your skincare regime. That’s why we suggest creating a skincare plan in your early teens. So, shall we start?

Create daily skincare and acne treatment routine

To maintain overall skin health and improve specific concerns like acne, scarring, and dark spots. You should follow these 4 key rules :

● Cleansing

It’s important to clean your face daily but not more than twice a gentle face wash. Exfoliation is also necessary twice a week.

● Moisturizing

For your acne treatment use a moisturizer that is lightweight, gel-based, and doesn’t block your pores. But if you have dry flaky skin, you can buy a cream-based moisturizer.

● Serums

Apply a serum that is loaded with vitamins like vitamin C. It is best to use Vitamin C serum in the morning, under sunscreen of course! Retinol or prescribed retinoids are best to use in the evening.

● Sunscreen

NEVER STEP OUT WITHOUT APPLYING SUNSCREEN! You may find yourself asking, “what happens if you don’t wear sunscreen every day?” You may see hyperpigmentation, dark spots, or sun spots on your skin. That’s why apply at least 30 SPF 15 minutes before heading outside.

Do You Eat With Your Skin In Mind?

Skin rejuvenation depends on what you eat, drink, and how you take care of your skin. You must supply your body with vitamins, minerals, and the right nutrients that boost beauty and get the glow you desire. Similarly, you must avoid some food and drinks to keep your skin healthy –

● Fried Foods
● Soda
● Alcohol
● Candy
● Salty Snacks
● Processed Meats
● Energy Drinks, And More

You must also drink an adequate amount of water throughout the day – it’s a skincare no-brainer. If you ask any professional or any model about their skincare secret, it’s to always stay hydrated and drink plenty of liquid!

Not drinking enough water makes your skin look dull and emphasizes fine lines. Therefore, drinking at least 2 liters of water a day is good for acne and skin treatment.

Don’t pick your acne!

Picking acne, blackheads, scabs, or other skin issues can cause open wounds or darker skin spots known as hyperpigmentation. It can lead to infections or scars.

The Takeaway

So to sort out all your acne and skin problems visit our rejuvenation center. Our professional skin care and acne treatment will rejuvenate your skin and will set you up for long-term success. Good luck and have patience! Follow us on Instagram.

Things You Won’t Believe You Didn’t Know about VI PEEL

November 29th, 2022 by

VI Peel, which is in high demand today, is actually a medium-depth chemical peel. It penetrates the top layer of your skin, which is called the epidermis, and then it reaches the dermis underneath. In this blog, we will help you explore some more things about VI PEEL.

What Do You Need To Know About VI PEEL?

Like some other chemical peels, it works by exfoliating skin and stimulating the creation of new proteins. The process is usually used to treat signs of pigmentation, acne, and aging and improve skin texture.
The product used in these chemical peels is made up of a blend of elements that include:

• trichloroacetic acid (TCA)
• phenol
• salicylic acid
• vitamin C
• tretinoin

VI Chemical Peels are so gentle that they can safely be used on your chest, face, hands, back, and eyelids. According to a skin expert, this type of chemical peel can be applied to every skin tone and type.

Is VI Peel great for acne treatment?

VI Peel and other medium to light chemical peels are sometimes used to improve acne skin conditions. A 2019 study concluded that chemical peels like this are usually potentially effective and well tolerated. So, this is great for acne treatment.

VI Peel can treat acne in several ways, including:

• By reducing oil production
• reducing inflammation
• killing bacteria
• decreasing your number of clogged pores
• breaking down the outer layer of skin

Salicylic acid, which is a key ingredient in this peel, is also one of the greatest treatments for acne scars.

It is Known To Be Great For Pigmentation

Chemical peels like VI Peel can potentially help you lighten those pigmented areas of your skin. Your skin may get darkened by several skin conditions such as melasma or sun damage. It helps you reduce those fast. A key ingredient in VI Peels is phenol. It is one of the most effective ingredients used in VI Peels to treat discoloration and freckles.


VI Peel is a moderate-depth chemical peel that not only is anti-pigmentation but also is anti-acne. Also, this will improve your skin texture and improve aging signs. It has in it a blend of ingredients that comprise TCA, phenol, and salicylic acid. You may get this peel as regularly as every 4-6 weeks. And, it is for every skin type. Follow us on Facebook.