Red Carpet Looks Las Vegas, the treatment is a needle-free bio-rejuvenation, that has been shown to combat the flaccidity of facial tissue and to act as a bio-rejuvenator of skin, improving its appearance without damaging it. It can be used to remove stretch marks, scars caused by chickenpox and acne, and melasma (large blemishes in women which appear before and after pregnancy, and before and after weight gain). It is also recommended as an additional treatment to laser and radiofrequency treatments to enhance the results. It can be an option as a basic treatment for the retouching of mini-facials and other cosmetic treatments such as dermal fillers and laser treatment.
Time changes everything! Cystic acne from your teen years can bring you rough scarring. As the years go by and you add more mileage, your once-tight-and-youthful facial skin tends to loosen and sag with age. Your smile over the years can bring wrinkles around your mouth and eyes that reflect your increased wisdom.
At this point in your life is where “The Red Carpet Look” from Safi Miran Laser & Rejuvenation Center in Las Vegas can come to your rescue.
Celebrity Choice: The Red Carpet Look Peel
A stimulating peel that celebrities prefer, “The Red Carpet Peel” is quick, easy, and gentle. Only available from a physician, this peel does not leave you looking sunburned – it simply gives you enhanced, radiant skin while taking care of your wrinkles, acne, and other skin issues.
Chemical peels are better at treating acne scars and sun damage because they lift the skin’s exterior layer, encouraging fresh skin to grow.
Choice Ingredients for High Performance
The Red Carpet Peel contains the highest-quality, pharmaceutical-grade ingredients, including:
Works in Minutes
Come to Safi Miran Laser & Rejuvenation Center during your lunch hour. We will get you in, out, and glowing in no time. You will return to work with fewer wrinkle lines and less acne—not to mention that you will look radiant from the increased collagen production within days.
Unlike other facials and peels, “The Red Carpet Look” first creates a flushed look, as if you went on a run or walk. Then, you will notice how your skin will begin to radiate. The most exciting part is that you will not peel or have lots of redness afterwards.
The main thing to consider about timing is that if you are having this peel for a special event, such as a wedding, be sure to do so three days before, for the best results.
Benefits You Will Love
Other than giving you that natural glow, “The Red Carpet Look” facial will eliminate dirt and oil from your skin, decrease the visibility of your pores, highlight your facial features, and relax your mind, body, and soul. You will also notice that your makeup will be easier to apply and remove following the treatment.
“The Red Carpet Look” is a five-step facial peel that uses a mixture of techniques to clean pores and improve relaxation.
Step 1: Deep-Pore Cleansing Mask
First, our beauty specialist at Safi Miran Laser Spa will focus on cleansing your pores with a deep-cleansing mask. This removes any lingering bacteria and blackheads before Step Two.
Step 2: Micro-Current Lifting
Second, our beauty specialist will use electrical pulses to move muscles and find facial features to highlight.
Step 3: Oxygen Facial
Third, we’ll begin an oxygen facial. Using a wand, we deliver a highly pressurized stream of oxygen to the skin. Doing so promotes blood flow to the skin – the better the blood flow, the younger your face will look.
Step 4: Sheet Masks
Once we have completed steps 1-3, we will add a sheet mask filled with enriched nutrients and place it across your face to nourish and refresh it.
Step 5: Face Massage
We end the Red Carpet Look facial with a relaxing contour massage that will leave you glowing and ready to walk along the Las Vegas Strip.